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TechnoMagicLand - discover the wonders of science and technology together


TechnoMagicLand - discover the wonders of science and technology together

We use our fifth anniversary to share some details about our work that we may have overlooked. Let's delve into the significance of TechnoMagicLand Interactive Center for parents and their children.

TechnoMagicLand holds great importance for parents and their children for several reasons. Here are some aspects:

  • We provide opportunities for learning - TechnoMagicLand offers an educational environment where children can nurture their curiosity and learn new things through interactive activities and experiments. Our experience caters to all children who are confident in reading and writing. Parents see the value in this educational experience and can be assured that their children are gaining knowledge and skills in the field of science and technology. They also have the opportunity to observe their children and make conclusions about their future development and professional realization.
  • We inspire - TechnoMagicLand is a place that inspires children to dream and take an interest in science and technology. By visiting the interactive exhibition with over 50 demonstration installations and participating in STEAM activities (demonstrations, workshops, themed events), children witness exciting experiments and engage in creative projects. We provide children with the opportunity to discover their passion and potential in these fields. Parents are delighted that their children are involved in something that excites and motivates them.
  • We offer entertainment - TechnoMagicLand provides entertainment and fun for the whole family. Parents can enjoy quality time with their children and engage in various interactive activities together. This creates special shared moments and strengthens the bond between parents and their children. "Let's accumulate memories, not things!" is an old maxim that generations of Bulgarians have been raised with.
  • We create a community - TechnoMagicLand fosters a community of parents who share a common interest in science and technology. Parents can meet other families who are also interested in STEAM education and participate in joint initiatives and events, exchanging thoughts and experiences. This creates connections and support among parents and contributes to the expansion of the educational network.

Ultimately, TechnoMagicLand is a place that provides education, inspiration, entertainment, and community for parents and their children. It helps them discover the wonders of science and technology, grow, and create special memories together.

We look forward to many more years of inspiration and joy, continuing to spread the magic of science and technology. We are proud that TechnoMagicLand is the place where dreams come true and the future unfolds!

Learn more about our fifth birthday celebration.