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BOSCH Tech Week: Inspiration and Innovations in Sofia


BOSCH Tech Week: Inspiration and Innovations in Sofia

It is hard not to share our admiration for the wonderful Tech Week we organized in collaboration with the Bulgarian representation of the technology company BOSCH.

The reason for organizing this week was the anniversary that the company celebrates in our country. For 30 years now, the three divisions of the company - Robert Bosch Ltd., BSH Home Appliances Bulgaria Ltd., and Bosch Digital (formerly Bosch.IO) - have been meeting the ever-expanding range of needs of Bulgarian consumers. Bosch in Bulgaria is part of the Bosch Group, a leading global provider of technology and services. The Bosch Group's strategic goal is to provide "technology for life" in today's connected world. Bosch's products and services are designed to inspire users and improve the quality of life by offering innovative and efficient solutions.

With great excitement, we share with our guests, who visit us completely free of charge, how beautiful and exciting the world of science and technology is. In addition to elementary principles that can be learned from our specialized demonstration facilities, visitors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the special corner of BOSCH. This is a special place in our exhibition where a selected series of various devices bearing the company's brand are displayed. These are ready-made devices that have been implemented by applying elementary principles. Thanks to the skills and brilliant minds of engineers and specialists at the technology company, these devices solve problems, which is one of the leading missions of science and technology - to help people prosper.

It is no coincidence that we decided to place the BOSCH corner in front of the panel where we presented the legend of Robot TML-1. We want to tell our guests that science, technology, and progress are necessary to serve a good cause in the interest of peace and the development of people, unfolding their potential and opportunities. We are extremely happy that the Bulgarian representation of the global technology company chose this exceptionally well-thought-out and practical approach to celebrate their anniversary. It is important to emphasize that over 450 people have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the remarkable world of science and technology completely free of charge, taking advantage of the opportunity to have a special experience in the exhibition, explore the possibilities of creating solutions with the products, and delve into the vast world of science and technology through a specially prepared scientific demonstration presented by a professional science communicator.

We thank you for your trust and wish the entire team of the company to continue boldly creating "technology for life" and solutions for people.