> For Teachers

For Teachers

This page is designed to assist Bulgarian teachers. We provide useful and important information related to the Centre's communication with the eco-education system.
Here you will find information about:

  • Opportunities - Presentation of products developed specifically for schools.
  • Conditions - Important information that you need to obtain when using teacher services.
  • Rates - pricing information for teacher services.
  • Queries - The site allows requesting services for school groups.
  • Resources - Introducing TechnoMagicLand resources that can be useful to schools.
  • Supporting information - resources that may be useful for organizing work with the Center.
  • Approaches - theoretical foundations of the applied approaches in TechnoMagicLand in terms of didactics. 


Four important facts about TechnoMagicLand


  1. TechnoMagicLand is a hub for science and technology with an emphasis on working with curious 7-14 year olds and their teachers. This is because science-based and proven training approaches are applied.
  2. The center and all products and services are based on sound theoretical foundations, carefully researched, developed and adapted to the Bulgarian conditions by an expert team. Scientists, researchers, engineers, managers and professionals with proven experience in their subject area are involved in the project.
  3. School and school education are a priority for us. That is why we strive to be adequate to the problems of education and to maintain active relations with all subjects in the eco-education system. We are convinced that the result of our joint efforts contributes to the improvement of the Bulgarian educational system.
  4. The teacher and his mission are important to us. As teachers with your word and personal example, you not only convey information, you build attitudes, inspire confidence, initiate success through knowledge and competence.

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