The Legend of TML-1

TechnoMagic's land is an unusual place inspired by the TML-1 robot. The center symbol has its very special story that we want to tell you.
Children's story "Legend of TML-1"
As for civilization, it rises to the possibility of being recognized as it is sufficiently developed to show the accession to the Galactic Union.
During a secret reconnaissance mission on Planet Earth, the representatives of the Galactic Union remained very worried and bitter. They found that the land of technology and the advancement of military premises were harvested in the science and technology of destructive power. They want to obey, not to join. At the same time, they are lagging behind in adopting key technologies. Representatives of the Galactic Union have attached their decision, which aims to civilize yet more than wisely and effectively. They fly back, leaving the TML-1 robot on Earth with a TechnoMagicLand mission.
The Council of Mission has secretly monitored human civilization, measured the level of progress, and signaled that this was sufficient for the development of the Galactic Union. TML-1 creates mysteries, invites young land to experiments and traces of results. These are the robust assessments of the level of knowledge and abilities. The best you get for a "magician of knowledge and technology". When there are 99 such wizards on Earth, TML-1 will ship a coded message to the Galactic Union communications node with a laser. By this you will inform that young land will receive sufficient funds and will have time to send a new mission from representatives of the Galactic Union to establish a relationship with human civilization. As long as the long road to Earth takes place, these young people will be ruled by the planet, and human civilization will no longer be threatened and grass for the rest. Earth technology will be sufficiently developed to be used by the Galactic Union's representatives and to oppose its repositories.
So, thanks to you, there will be reason and harmony on Earth.
Young inquisitors, you are our hope!